Quercus Eight's profile

British Horse Society

British Horse
Target Audience
British Horse is the ‘must-read’ top-circulation, monthly, equine magazine in the UK for everyone interested in the sport, including riders, owners, coaches, trainers and suppliers, from tack producers to livery stables.

British Horse is the membership magazine of the British Horse Society (BHS), a charity that represents the interests of millions of people in the UK who ride horses, or drive horse-drawn vehicles.

Creative Challenge
The BHS represents the gold standard for the equestrian industry and it is important therefore that the magazine exemplifies this in every detail of its design and production.

Having held the contract successfully for three years, the creative challenge was to refresh the product and demonstrate that we were the right partners to take the magazine forward for the next three years.

We achieved this by creating a new-look magazine, reflecting the brand values of the BHS in a format that is fresh and exciting, enticing and accessible.

Customer Engagement
Horsey people are busy people. They don’t have a lot of spare time so they want a magazine that is useful, practical, and ‘speaks their language’.

Our design team’s task is to work with the in-house editorial team at the BHS to ensure that the advice and articles, and news and information from the BHS is presented in a lively and entertaining way to engage this demanding readership, attract advertisers and last, but not least, ensure that the BHS gets its key messages across.

Business Result
We successfully regained the BHS contract at the beginning of 2010, and also won other contracts from the BHS, and continue to drive up the reputation of British Horse as the number one top circulation equine magazine in the UK.

The magazine is circulated monthly to over 64,000 BHS members.

British Horse won an Award of Excellence in the 2011 Institute of Internal Communication Awards.

The judges described British Horse as “a top class magazine from start to finish. A much more professional and contemporary design makes it difficult to dislodge as number one magazine in its field” – a testament to Quercus Eight’s success in managing the title over the past four years.

British Horse Society

British Horse Society

British Horse has the highest circulation of any UK equestrian magazine. Each issue is packed full of useful advice, entertaining features and th Read More
